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Primary Care IT Induction
Monday 30 May 2022, 11:00 - 12:00
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In addition to the system-specific New Starter sessions we have always (and will continue to) deliver, we have a new offering for all relevant new starters - a one-hour webinar suitable for those either new to the NHS, or just new to Primary care.  This will be a group session with other new starters and is not system specific. 

New starter group webinar


  • History of the NHS and the three core levels of care
  • How a GP Surgery is comprised
  • IT systems used within GP Surgeries
  • Patient registrations and medical record transfer
  • How data is added to a patient’s medical record


By the end of this session learner will be able to:

  • Know when the NHS was created and identify the three core levels of care
  • Understand how IT systems in General Practice contribute towards patient safety and care
  • Name the key process of the GP2GP transfer and registering new patients
  • Describe the history of clinical coding

To join this webinar please click the Attend button and use the joining link below

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Preparing for remote training can also be found here

If you have any queries you can contact the Training Team via (or call 0300 123 5678)

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Location Via MS Teams
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