EMIS core clinical system programme

Our IT Training Programme will focus on the following core clinical system training modules:  

New starter training 
Searches and Reports introduction 
Searches and Reports intermediate 
Protocols and concepts 

Please see our EMIS Web prospectus for a full list of all courses available. The trainer-led courses are delivered via MS Teams.
To book please contact the IT training administration team on training.scwcsu@nhs.net or use the course booking form. You can also visit The Learning Hub for EMIS Web resources, videos, webinars and our new starter e-learning course for admin or clinical staff. 

New starter training 

This course is designed for new starters who have little experience of EMIS Web. 

During this course, new starters will not be provided with information on local GP Practice processes so before booking you should ensure that they have received a local induction.  

Duration: 2.5 hours 

An example of what is covered at a new receptionist training session: 

  • Navigate the home screen 
  • Book, cancel and move an appointment 
  • Use the Find Slot function 
  • Print a patient summary 
  • Search for patient records 
  • Navigate the care record 
  • Access pathology results 
  • Administer repeat medication requests 
  • View medication history 
  • Update addresses and contact details 
  • Send tasks and instant messages 

Book the trainer-led course via our course booking form and/or sign up to the e-learning course (login required):

Searches and Reports introduction 

This course is designed for learners who are new to or have little experience of creating searches and reports in EMIS Web.   

Duration: 2 hours 

During this course you will learn how to: 

  • Navigate the EMIS Searches Library 
  • Create a search using features, criteria and rules 
  • Run and edit a search 
  • View search results 
  • Create a simple report output 
  • Book Now link to booking form. 
  • Searches and Reports intermediate 

Book the trainer-led course via our course booking form and/or sign up to the e-learning course (login required):

Searches and Reports intermediate

This course is designed for learners who have some experience of creating Searches and Reports in EMIS Web and need to advance their skills.  

Duration: 2 hours 

During this course you will learn how to: 

  • Use the Linked Feature, Count, Either/Or, And/Must tools 
  • Use multiple rules 
  • Apply the pre-defined EMIS Library rules 
  • Import and Export a search 
  • Create a Patient List 
  • Create an aggregate, audit and list report 

Book the trainer-led course via our course booking form and/or sign up to the e-learning course (login required):

Protocols and Concepts introduction 

This course is designed for learners who have no or very little experience in creating protocols and concepts in EMIS Web.  

Duration: 2 hours 

During this course you will learn how to: 

  • Create a protocol to add a code, launch a letter or template, and display an information message 
  • Run protocols manually and automatically using Triggers 
  • Create simple concepts on age, gender, clinical codes or medication 
  • Use concepts in protocols to generate an alert 
  • Deactivate and archive concepts and protocols 

Book the trainer-led course: